"Every bite you take is either feeding disease or fighting it."
Want to naturally reduce your risk of age-related chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and dementia?
Then it's time to fuel your body with high-quality, clean, whole foods -- not manufactured 'franken-foods.'
Here's a simple rule from author Michael Pollan...
"Don't eat anything your Great-Grandmother wouldn't recognize as food."
Or, follow the wise words of Mark Hyman, MD...
"If nature made it, eat it. If man...
Poor sleep contributes to dementia and Alzheimer's.
Scientists at UC Berkeley have found compelling evidence that poor sleep is a channel through which the beta-amyloid protein believed to trigger Alzheimer's disease attacks the long term memory.
A deep restorative sleep will aide in washing away those toxic proteins at night, preventing them from damaging the brain.
Without adequate sleep, it's a vicious cycle. A lack of slumber allows the build-up of the damaging beta-amyloid protein in the...
Yep, throw these out. You'll not only save money, you'll reduce your risk of dementia.
Brain health experts agree that environmental toxins can pass through the blood-brain barrier -- causing the inflammation and brain plaque build-up that destroys brain function.
Lurking in your home is one of the most innocent looking, yet worst, toxic offenders -- dryer sheets.
They coat your clothes with a thin film of toxic chemicals designed to prevent static cling and add long-lasting fragrance.
The newest junior ranger at Grand Canyon National Park is 103 years old, making her three years older than the park itself.
What an inspiration.
You see, without a purpose, retirement can be lethal. Service is a longevity secret.
Multiple studies have shown that people who are engaged in paid work or volunteering are more likely to have a longer and more satisfied life.
Not sure where to start? Need some inspiration?
During my research, I stumbled upon a website and FB page that’s...
Anti-aging health coaching is all about improving your lifestyle to reduce the risks of age-related chronic diseases — like heart disease, cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
But how do you know what diseases YOU need to prevent?
Easy. Do genetic health testing.
I did.
The good news...I’m not genetically predisposed to ovarian or breast cancer or Parkinson’s, dementia or Alzheimer’s.
The bad news...I have some pretty serious predispositions to cardiac disease and...
Have you cared for an aging parent? Or a high-needs child?
Then you know the struggle. The stress. The exhaustian. The tug-of-war between devotion and resentment.
I've been there.
Our generation is often sandwiched between caring for the generation before us AND the generation after us. And caring for ourselves becomes inconsequential.
Caregivers have a higher risk of significant health problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, overweight, and earlier death due to...
Go ahead. Indulge!
Don't hide those candy wrappers anymore. Chocolate is now a superfood.
Two new studies at Loma Linda University looked at the impact of dark chocolate (70% cacao), in daily doses as small as a regular-sized chocolate bar, on neurological functions.
The flavonoids in cacao are extremely strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. The higher the concentration of cacao, the more positive the impact on cognition and memory.
Officially, the research showed that dark...
Live without regret. Yes, that's me hiking in Palo Euro Canyon. Living my dream life.
What is it that you've wanted to do that you've been postponing
Maybe next year. After I have more money. After I retire. After my knee surgery. After I lose weight. After the kid moves out. After I sell the house. After, after, after...
Ugh...how mature of you. You sound like an old person.
What if you wait too long? What if you never get the chance? What will you forever regret NOT doing?
The time is NOW.
...For all you fans of hot and spicy.
Eating hot peppers may just help you to live longer.
Yep, really! In a study that looked at 16,000 Americans over a 19-year period, researchers found that eating hot red chili peppers lowered the chances of dying by 13%.
The key to the hot pepper is thought to be capsaicin, the chemical that gives the pepper its hot taste.
Capsaicin is known to stimulate cellular mechanisms against obesity, improve blood flow to the heart and keeps the gut's probiotic...
Have you found your tribe?
One of the MOST powerful ways to ensure a longer, more vital life is to take an active role in a COMMUNITY of like-minded folks.
Longevity experts report that knowing your role in a committed group with a common purpose is essential for a long and fulfilling life.
It can actually add years to your life.
So simple...yet so difficult in a world of technology and social isolation.
And it takes effort. Your tribe is not out there looking for you.
If you’re...
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